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Guided Shamanic Journey

The Shamanic Journey is a guided meditation with the use of shamanic tools to enter an expanded state of consciousness (commonly known as trance or altered state).
In this journey, there is a beginning, a middle and an end. The journey is usually guided by your intention and what comes through in terms of guidance will be realized or shared.
Connecting with the helping guides from the unseen realms (including angels, animal spirits, ancestors, elementals…) can bring answers to the seen, hence to your life. 
Shamanic journeying includes releasing what no longer serves you and is in line with your healing and growth; Healing traumas, pains and aches, soul retrieval, asking and receiving guidance from elders and ancestors, clearing stress and confusion to receive messages and omens from helping guides, … 

The Guided Shamanic Journey includes:

✧ Preparation:

We discuss your intention i.e., Receiving guidance (health, work, relationships…), meeting and learning to interact with a spirit guide, power animal or guardian angel, healing (personal, ancestral), clearing tangled energies…

✧ Guided Journey:

Accompanied with shamanic tools (drum, rattles, singing bowl, chimes…) and a possible plant teacher – medicine (Cacao or other) along with medicine songs to guide, protect and support you in the journey.
With the guidance of my helping spirits (and the plant medicine spirits in the space, if applicable) the journey will be to the Lower, Middle &/or Upper Spirit (Energy) World to diagnose, request healing and come back with insights and helpful tools for you to receive and integrate what feels right in your life.   

✧ Sharing:

Insights and messages received and how you can use them in your daily life; adding practices, rituals, use of herbs, elements and crystals.

Schedule a Session

Upon scheduling, you will receive an email with the optional date / time and the payment link.